15 Times Pro Sports Tried to Reinvent Their Image In Ridiculous Ways

Since the NFL and NHL have been around for a little over a century, and professional baseball began in the 1850s, we’re pretty sure that we’re now watching more modern versions of the sports. These, the NBA, and a slew of other professional sports have undergone many updates, rule changes, and complete reinventions over the years, and sometimes we’re lucky enough to witness some real unusual ones.
Much like studio executives sit around all day conjuring up wild what-ifs for the film industry, we like to picture the hilarity of league executives and franchise owners think-tanking the next glowing puck or Lingerie Football League. “Guys! Guys, I’ve got it! Hot chicks in lingerie who tackle the hell out of each other! ‘Merica, baby!” The problem is that, unlike a sport evolving over time, a complete and instantaneous reinvention is just so glaring. Whether the fans were into them or not, here are 15 bizarre ways that pro sports have tried to reinvent their image.

Nickelodeon’s collaboration with the NFL.

The Bears took time out of their historic season to record a silly smash hit.

Red Label
Lingerie Football was the only logical next step for the NFL.

When WWE’s “Attitude Era” came to an end.

The pandemic helped make necessary updates to pro tennis matches.

Swimming Vegas Style

Boxing embraces technology in the ’70s.



The Toronto Raptors let all of Canada in on the action.


The Glowing Puck

Fox Sports
Bollywood helps the Indian Premier League reinvent cricket.

Time to show off those White Sox, boys.