15 Bizarro Bits of Trivia About Moonquakes, Politically Motivated Carrots, and Fran Drescher’s Alien Abduction

Fran Drescher believes her soulmate was delivered to her… by aliens.
15 Bizarro Bits of Trivia About Moonquakes, Politically Motivated Carrots, and Fran Drescher’s Alien Abduction

Unless you’re a lame nerd, you know that school is for fools. That place never taught anything good or gorey- just a bunch of numbers and stupid words.

Fast forward to now and you’re probably a cool adult/millionaire who has never had to use algebra a day in their life. Luckily, since you’re already probably a sick-ass millionaire, you can spend your day here, learning about actually cool things.

Things like: the weirdly political reason carrots are orange, and how to rent a panda from a world superpower. Or, dive into the non-lame side of our presidents and find out which one owned a kickass whiskey distillery (and which one simply kicked people’s tails). If you’re really feeling academic, you can read about Fran Drescher’s strongly held belief that she was abducted and branded by aliens. 

This list is your oyster, but not your teacher, because those are lame and we are cool (a la a cartoon cat smoking a cigarette and wearing sunglasses). Anyway, here are the facts:

Cats In The Cradle And The Shaky Moon

CRACKED THE MOON EXPERIENCES MOONQUAKES. The moon is actively shrinking as its interior cools, causing its crust to shake, similar to an earthquake.


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