McDonald’s Bubble Gum Broccoli, Scientifically Wetter Water, and 13 More Trivia Tidbits
The magic of infotainment — all the fun and excitement of learning with none of the tests or waking up at 6am for school. It’s a wonderful thing the internet discovered, and we at Cracked are excited to be part of the fun fact renaissance.
This week, we’re brimming with knowledge — and important stuff at that. For example, did you know we can make water wetter? Were you aware you can save a bunch of money at CVS by simply peeing on a bunch of barley to help with your family planning? How familiar are you with the economic consequences of an olive-less salad?
Our list has the answers to all these questions and more — so, without further stalling, enjoy your daily serving of hot ‘n fresh infotainment — now with 50 percent more info, 50 percent more tainment, and 100 percent of your daily recommended serving of riboflavin*
*list does not actually contain riboflavin.