15 Utterly Bizarre Medical Syndromes and Unexplained Outbreaks of Illness

From the depths of our minds to the furthest reaches of the unknown, this list explores a variety of strange and mysterious illnesses that have baffled the medical world. From Cotard’s Syndrome, in which one denies the existence of their own body, to Alien Hand Syndrome, in which a limb seemingly takes on a life of its own, these strange afflictions have challenged our understanding of the human condition.
We will explore the mysterious epidemic that struck the Calcutta Telephone Exchange in 1987, the ultra-rare Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva (FOP) that causes abnormal bone growth and immobility, and the unidentified virus linked to an epidemic in West Otago. We will also take a look at the burning faces and ear noises that plagued the poor ventilation and work stress of the Calcutta Telephone Exchange, the insatiable appetite and decreased muscle tone of Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS), the unexplained chronic symptoms of Gulf War Veterans, and the mysterious odor that sparked hysteria among schoolchildren.
We will even delve into the strange and mysterious illnesses that have afflicted Aboriginal people of Groote Eylandt in the Northern Territory of Australia, the possible toxin in litchi fruit linked to an outbreak of acute neurologic illness in India, and the possible link between pulsed radiofrequency/microwave radiation exposure and a mystery illness affecting U.S. and Canadian diplomats.
So, if you are ready to explore the strange and mysterious illnesses that have baffled the medical world, then read on!
Mysterious illness baffles researchers and islanders alike.

Diplomats suffer from mysterious illness: Is radiation the culprit?

Mass psychogenic illness: 14 victims observed.

Mysterious illness strikes India – litchi fruit to blame?

Mysterious fever, weight loss, and swollen lymph nodes plague Milan’s intravenous drug users.

Mysterious odor sparks schoolchildren hysteria: 77% suffer physical symptoms.

Veterans of the Gulf War: Unidentified illnesses and chronic symptoms.

Tiredness, mood swings, and aches: West Otago’s mysterious virus.

Mystery illness baffled Calcutta: poor ventilation and work stress to blame?

Ultra-rare disorder: FOP causes abnormal bone growth, immobility.

"My hand is alive... and it's out of control!"

Uncontrollable hunger and weak muscles: PWS.

Alice in Wonderland Syndrome

Sleep, eat, forget: Kleine-Levin Syndrome strikes again.

Deny your own body? It’s not just a philosophical debate anymore.