15 Smart Folks Who Gave Up the Rat Race for Comedy

How a lawyer and a copy editor became the raunchiest roast comics of all time.
15 Smart Folks Who Gave Up the Rat Race for Comedy

We’ve all heard those rags to riches stories of comedians and actors who’ve worked downright brutal jobs before making it big. But leaving a lucrative career path or prominent position to pursue comedy shows just how much these comedians must really love it. They either had or were on their way to great success, but being the funniest person in the office just wasn’t enough. 

The age old joke, “I’m not a doctor, I just play one on TV” cannot be said by Ken Jeong. We all remember his breakout role as Dr. Kuni in Knocked Up, but he was (and still is) a licensed physician who actually cites that role as the tipping point into a full time comedy career. For Demetri Martin, his wandering eye was quite literal as The Comedy Cellar was right across the street from his classes at NYU Law School. Those are just a couple of the 15 comedians who ditched the rat race for the full time funnies.

Ken Jeong

CRACKED Ken Jeong is still a licensed physician. A doctor specializing in internal medicine by day, comedian by night, Jeong booked a slew of bit parts in TV and film before his role in Knocked Up caused him to fully transition into comedy.


One eye on surgery, and one on acting.

CRACKED Gulla A Award James Woods was almost an eye surgeon. With a reported IQ of 184, James Woods got a full scholarship to MIT, but his love of acting had him drop out one semester before graduating into his intended field of eye surgery.


David Duchovny

CRACKED David Duchovny was an aspiring poet at Yale. With a В.А in English from Princeton and a master's from Yale, he planned to be a poet and novelist before abandoning his Ph.D studies after booking a beer commercial.


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