15 Facts That Set Our Brains On Fire
Ah, the wonders of modern life! From the technological advances that have allowed us to explore the farthest reaches of the universe, to the humble beginnings of the Ashkenazi community, to the mysteries of Stephen King’s addiction and the iconic palm trees of Los Angeles, we have come to know and appreciate the world in a whole new light. But it’s not just the big stories that make life so fascinating – it’s the little things, too. From the pet food revolution that has put an end to white dog stuff, to the surprising origin of the AAA rating, to the lessons in Tex-Mex etiquette that even Gerald Ford had to learn, to the two Dennis the Menace strips released on the same day, to the nuclear chain reaction that Enrico Fermi predicted, to the real 747 crashed for the Tenet set-piece, to the dowry that Santa Claus gave, and so much more. This list is a testament to the beauty and complexity of our world, and all the amazing stories that come along with it.