15 Unrealistic Sitcom Behaviors That Wouldn't Fly In Real Life

We’d never pick one personality trait and relentlessly display it at the exact same cafe for a decade, but somehow we love watching it. A sitcom is all about that pure escapism, but we gravitate to these characters and their stories like they’re normal. Maybe that’s because they sprinkle in some heartfelt “real” moments once in a while to ground the insanity. Most of the time, they exist in some lawless alternate reality.
At some point, we’ve all looked around at our family or friend group and thought, “Oh my god, we’d make the most hilarious sitcom.” We hate to be the bearer of bad news, but… No, you wouldn’t. Your dialogue isn’t painstakingly written in a setup/punchline format, and (hopefully) you wouldn’t just laugh off toxic traits or bullying for a decade. It’s a good thing, trust us. Because you’re real, Pinocchio. If you need further proof that you’re actually a lot better than a typical TV character, here are 15 unrealistic behaviors in sitcoms.
Steve Urkel

Declaring love in an airport is not common practice.

6 Romantic Movie Gestures That Can Get You Prison Time / What Culture
You wouldn’t let your friends hang out in your apartment when you’re not there.

Adult friends don’t endure toxic traits forever.

Most people have to worry about finances.

People usually mature at some point.

Sitcom characters can get away with anything.

Sitcom characters get wilder as time goes on.

Workplace harassment is laughed off.

Kids pop up every so often.

Garry Gergich

Real people usually meet new friends.

Drugging and blackmailing a colleague isn’t a big deal.

Characters constantly go to the same place.

Sitcom Characters