The 15 Best Non-Human Scene Partners
Some of the humans here got a face to work with, but some got a tennis ball waved in their faces like a golden retriever. Either way, they all got a treat and a pat on the head for accomplishing one of the hardest acting feats in the biz… Working with (and developing chemistry with) a scene partner who wasn’t all there. The non-humans here were no slouches either.
It’s impossible to deny the magic of film making when we think of E.T, Dobby, or Groot as real characters with lasting impacts on our lives. Whether they cost millions of dollars, or just got slapped with a bloody palm, they pulled their weight and actually made us feel.
Their look, movements, and voices were conceptualized and created by teams of people, and today we honor the labor that brought forth life. Here are 15 of the best non-human scene partners to date.