The 15 Most Unexpected Items in the Library of Congress
Most people’s experience of the Library of Congress is as a repository of documents the Founding Fathers once rubbed their junk on and photos of various Kennedy assassinations where they once went on a field trip, and really, that’s pretty much what it is. Unless you’re a historian or in a Nicolas Cage movie, you probably don’t have much use for it. It’s just a big library, you know? If you want to pick up bookish types, you can do that without getting on a plane.
Which is exactly what they want you to think. In truth, the Library of Congress is a collection of all kinds of historical artifacts, and the people of history were just as bonkers as people are today, so they’ve left behind plenty of weird shit for those poor congressional librarians to catalog. There may very well even be a little of you in there. Don’t believe us? Check out…