Saturday Night Live: 13 Wild Behind The Scenes Stories

Saturday Night Live has been on the air for 47 years - that means this trailblazing sketch comedy show is passed middle aged. People born when SNL debuted go to bed too early to catch it live now. With an impressive run like that (and all the more impressive since every time a new episode airs, the internet is drowning in op-eds about how the show isn't great and hasn't been funny since whenever that writer was in high school), there is no shortage of behind-the-scenes drama between big names with even bigger personalities (and baggage).
It's not all negative though. Did you know that Jon Hamm sternly told an extremely pregnant and distraught Amy Poehler to get her shit together? But like in a funny way! Or how about Nic Cage really getting into his bit with Andy Samberg, doing a Nic Cage impression, on the Weekend Update segment? Here are these and more stories about the SNL backstage.
Nic Cage really came alive during the "Get In The Cage" segment.

Eddie Murphy ate dog food on air.

The writers were efficient evacuators.

Jon Hamm made a pregnant Amy Poehler pee.

Robin Williams and Paul McCartney loved the "Stefon" character.

History will always side w Prince

Murray VS Chase was the fight we never knew we wanted to see.

Sarah Silverman accidentally stabbed Al Franken in the head with a pen.

Eddie Murphy is a committed comedian.

There are lots of banned guests.


Will Ferrell wore one outfit for a year.