15 Bojack Horseman Easter Eggs We Totally Missed On The First Watch

A wise horseman once said: “He’s so stupid, he doesn’t realize how miserable he should be. I envy that.”
That uh, doesn't really have anything to do with this list. That quote just really resonates with us.
Aside from its killer one-liners, one of Bojack Horseman's many strengths is its attention to detail. A lot of these Easter Eggs are pun-based background details, like the literal platter of poop in a restaurant display labeled “cow pie,” or stores called “Pest Elm,” “Secret Hindquarters,” and “Gnu Bottle Coffee.”
Others are nods to the zeitgeist of our world, like Mr. Peanutbutter's campaign slogan of “Yes We Might!”, and movie posters for Wonder Worm and Crazy Ex-Squirrel Friend.
News tickers are also a major source of fanservice jokes, like “Black Panther Slays At Box Office; Film Also a Success.”
Upon closer inspection, maybe they're all animal puns. Who cares, they've earned 'em. Read on for more great puns from the saddest horseman in comedy:
California's state seal is a creature that's part bear, part man.

Mr. Peanutbutter's gubernatorial campaign includes a replica of Obama's 2008 election poster.

Season 4 of BoJack Horseman picks up right where Season 3 left off - with a broken window.

BoJack Horseman

This studio is the mastermind behind your favorite characters.


Paul Giamatti slips on a horse mask with a human face cut-out to play BoJack.

If you want to see the abyss, do it quickly while it's distracted.

The box office is on fire, baby!

BoJack has a long list of A-list celeb contacts.

Diane's flight to Hanoi is behind the stuffed Istanbul flight.

The display case at the diner contains a cow pie.

The only drug Sarah Lynn needs is horse.

The moving company Bojack hires is called "Ewe Haul", and one of the movers is a ewe.

St. Elmer's is a hospital for horses and its name is a pun on 'Elmer's Glue'.