15 Stupid Sitcom And Movie Plots That Became Reality
“You can’t make this stuff up.” Actually, you can. It has been made up. And sometimes the thing that was made up that was so ridiculous that it couldn’t possibly have happened, actually did happen. It wasn’t supposed to be real. It was supposed to be an entertaining musing, not some glimpse into the future.
Yet, here we are. Reading a list that is supposed to be entertaining and reflecting upon silly sitcom plots that were dumb and possibly funny, but is now a list of stuff that actually happened in real life after a fake TV show or movie had a writer jot down a scenario thinking that it could only exist in the bendy, flexible sitcom or film realm. Reality is so fricking stupid, y’all. We don’t need television or film to help it appear stupider.
Her are some sitcom and movie plots that we sadly can say actually became fully realized in the real world in which we should have all known better.