18 Facts About Horror Movies You Can Catch On Streaming

This is it. The very last weekend for spooky season this year. Halloween is officially here. Come November 1st, all of the decor has to be taken down. The spiderwebs will be replaced with garland. The 12-foot-tall skeleton will be replaced with an inflatable turkey. The carved pumpkins will be replaced with regular pumpkins. It’ll soon be over.
But you still have this weekend to make the most of it. You can have one last marathon of all the horror movies you can handle. Several classic scary films can be found on multiple streaming services and, let’s be honest, you have more than one available to you. Hulu, Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, you have access to something somewhere to get something scary. Let’s go out with a scream or two.
Here are some facts about some horror movies you can check out on various streaming services before Halloween ends (including Halloween Ends).

The Shining

Warner Bros.
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

The Wolf Man

Universal Pictures
Let the Right One In

Sandrew Metronome

Focus World

Tucker & Dale vs. Evil

Magnet Releasing
The Omen

20th Century Studios
A Nightmare on Elm Street

Warner Bros. Pictures
The Mist

MGM, Dimension Films

Warner Bros. Pictures, New Line Cinema
It Follows

The Exorcist

Warner Bros.
Halloween Ends

Universal Pictures

Universal Pictures
The Blair Witch Project

Haxan Films
Army of Darkness

Universal Pictures