20 Bonkers Facts About Eminem, Charlize Theron, And The Very Dignified Sport Of Ferret-Legging

There is a sport where you put ferrets in your pants, and it doesn’t get any more complicated than that.
20 Bonkers Facts About Eminem, Charlize Theron, And The Very Dignified Sport Of Ferret-Legging

The ball-and-chain flail probably never saw widespread use, despite being present in all of our favorite medieval shows and movies. It makes sense why it’s featured in sweaty, sword-and-sandal combat - the image of the terrifying weapon being clutched by a monstrous warrior as he swings the spiked ball around on its chain, the noise reverberating faster and faster in your head as it draws near, is an effective visual cue that we should be peeing our loincloths. 

The morning star, which is a spiked ball on the end of a club, actually was used in real life for one very important reason: with the ball not being on the end of a chain, there was less of a chance you’d accidentally crush your own skull as it swung around.

Alas, the ball-and-chain flail belongs in the “you’d probably hurt yourself more than your opponent” bin of fantasy weaponry, like light sabers and velociraptors.

Lead pollution made people violent.

Violent crime in the US and Europe was at its highest in areas with the most lead pollution. CRACKED.COM Violent crime peaked 20 years after lead additives in petrol and paint were banned, before declining thereafter.

BBC / Pexels 

An all-woman town council was elected in 1920 by a margin of 2-1.

In 1920, the town of Jackson, Wyoming elected an all-female town council. CRACKED.COM The petticoat rulers won by a margin of 2-1 over the men, drawing the most voters the town had ever seen. They served for 3 years and did a great deal to clean up the notoriously lawless town.

Atlas Obscura 

Charlize Theron was introduced to a talent agent after yelling at a bank employee.

Charlize Theron was discovered by a talent agent when she was yelling at a bank teller. CRACKED.COM The teller had refused to cash a check the 19-year-old Theron needed to pay her rent. She got the attention of a talent agent behind her, who introduced her to casting agents and an acting school.

Indie London  / Wikipedia 

The Death Star model was being used as a waste basket after the studio threw it out.

The original Death Star model from 'A New Hope' was used as a trash can in Missouri. CRACKED.COM Many of the set pieces and models used in the original movie were stored in a facility in 1977, but were thrown away when the studio decided that they no longer wanted to pay rent.

Fox / Star Wars 

The Molotov cocktail was named in reference to the Soviets bombing Finland.

Soviet minister Vyacheslav Molotov claimed that the bombing of Finland was a humanitarian mission. VIE CRACKED.COM Не said it was to provide food aid to starving Finns, so the Finns jokingly dubbed the incendiary device as a drink to go with the food: a Molotov Cocktail.

Kevos4  / Wikipedia 

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