20 Bonkers Facts About Eminem, Charlize Theron, And The Very Dignified Sport Of Ferret-Legging

The ball-and-chain flail probably never saw widespread use, despite being present in all of our favorite medieval shows and movies. It makes sense why it’s featured in sweaty, sword-and-sandal combat - the image of the terrifying weapon being clutched by a monstrous warrior as he swings the spiked ball around on its chain, the noise reverberating faster and faster in your head as it draws near, is an effective visual cue that we should be peeing our loincloths.
The morning star, which is a spiked ball on the end of a club, actually was used in real life for one very important reason: with the ball not being on the end of a chain, there was less of a chance you’d accidentally crush your own skull as it swung around.
Alas, the ball-and-chain flail belongs in the “you’d probably hurt yourself more than your opponent” bin of fantasy weaponry, like light sabers and velociraptors.
A ball-and-chain flail never saw widespread use.

Lead pollution made people violent.

Eminem spent three years in 9th grade.

Queen Elizabeth used coupons for her wedding dress following WWII.

A small marsupial bangs until it disintegrates.

An all-woman town council was elected in 1920 by a margin of 2-1.

Charlize Theron was introduced to a talent agent after yelling at a bank employee.

Atheists had a cult to replace Christianity during the French Revolution.

Pearl Harbor

There is a sport where you put ferrets in your pants.

Domesticated blueberries thrive in acidic soil.

The Death Star model was being used as a waste basket after the studio threw it out.

The Molotov cocktail was named in reference to the Soviets bombing Finland.

The filet-o-fish was created for Lent.

A 50-year-old system nicknamed the Dead Hand is all that stands between us and nuclear war.

Healthcare Billing Fraud

A tourist was found 3600 feet down the deepest cave.

Kane from Command & Conquer is the longest recurring video game actor.

Agatha Christie