20 Believe-It-Or-Not Facts That Really Picked Our Pumpkins

Did you know that Reebok once had to recall a line of shoes because they were named after a mythological rapist? In 1997, the company released a line of athletic shoes for women called ‘Incubus.’ But after news stories broke out about the fact that Reebok had named women's shoes after a demon who preys on sleeping women, they had to recall 180,000 pairs. And, switching to biology for a moment, did you also know that opossums don't actually ‘play dead’? It may look like they're faking it when they pass out in fear, but it's actually an involuntary act. Under intense fear or stress, opossums fall into a comatose-like state that can last for hours and is accompanied by the emission of corpse-like smell. Finally, did you know that the ancient Greeks used to believe that the uterus wandered around inside a woman's body? They thought that as the uterus moved around in search of a means of conception, and this would cause ‘hysteria’ in women (that's where the word comes from, in fact).
Erin Esurance

The Dream Team

A “Devil’s Advocate” was a real position.

Stallone wouldn’t take a payout to not star in “Rocky.”

Bowie had a fur-covered f*ck bed in his living room.

A type of contact lens reshapes the cornea while you sleep.

Tea may have been an accident.


John Lennon

World War I Planes

Japan has trains just for women so they won’t get groped.

Real hair was used in the crosshairs of military aircraft bombsights.

Converse are shipped as “slippers,” not shoes.

African buffalo herds “vote.”

A pee-icicle formed on a space shuttle.

Local Economies

The Tapeworm Diet

Ancient Greece believed the uterus wandered around the inside of a woman.,

Opossums don’t “play dead,” they faint.
