15 Facts About Dan Aykroyd, George Orwell, And Weaponized Cheese

Have you ever wondered what happened to the trees that went to the moon? Well, NASA wants to know too! Back in the day, they gave away hundreds of trees that journeyed to space and now they're trying to track them all down. One was even at the White House at one point. Talk about a homecoming! Speaking of comebacks, did you know Black Sabbath's final album ended exactly like their debut album began? Rain and all. Pretty crazy, right? 43 years later and they managed to circle back around. Full circle indeed. And finally, you probably didn't know that Uruguay takes cheese seriously… like really seriously. Or, at least one Uruguayan captain did in the 1800s – during a naval battle, a ship ran out of cannonballs so they started firing balls of cheese instead (yes…you read that correctly). And apparently it worked, because two people were killed by hurled fromage.
Dan Aykroyd was born with webbed toes and two different colored eyes.

Indigenous People of South America

The National Canine Defense League

The table knife is rounded to reduce violence.

The WB had a horrible “anti American Idol.”

Cuba and Venezuela offered the US aid after Katrina.

School bathrooms were invented to teach children how to wash.

George Orwell Square

Scam Emails

Rationing in the UK during WWII increased life expectancy in the country and decreased infant mortality.

Most of Norway’s electricity is powered by hydroelectric plants.

The world’s dirtiest man smokes poop.

Out of cannonballs, Uruguay battleships launched cheese.

Black Sabbath’s work came around full circle.