30 Little Life Tips That May Make Your Day A Little Easier (Or Save Your Life)
You never know when these may come in handy!

Okay, we'll be the first to admit it: “Life hacks” are tired. But in fairness, we’re all always looking for a good way to shave a couple of precious seconds off whatever task we hate the most. On that count, the tips below run the gamut — from little conveniences all the way to maybe saving your butt if you’re lost in the woods for some reason.
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Starting Fires

Crayon Candles

Fix a stripped screw hole

Check your battery


An impromptu plunger

Use your watch as a compass

You're too close to the wave

Tampons as bandages

Leave your lights on

Your head can be an antenna

De-Rust a Tool

Boost your wi-fi

Prevent cable breakage

Stay put during a blizzard

Bridges aren't safe during tornados

Uses for nylons

Don't wear cotton

Fix a run in your stockings

Easy multiplication with your fingers

Easily separate an egg from the yolk

Your Hand Calendar


Aluminum foil is a multi purpose tool

Keep your matches dry

Melt that Ice

The Ol' Tennis Ball Trick

Air Travel