20 Highly Pixelated Facts About 'Scott Pilgrim vs. The World'

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World came out twelve years ago, because time is just a cosmic joke by an evil god. Twelve years ago the MCU was just getting started, X-Men Origins: Wolverine had just contributed to the worst criticisms that could be levied against comic book movies, and that sweaty reality show guy really did think people would fall for his new post-steak, post-vodka, post-university shot at snake oil. Now, we don’t want to get political, we want to get philosophical — as in, linear time is just a human, all too human illusion, and can you believe Scott Pilgrim vs. The World came out twelve years ago?
Anyway, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World is an amazing movie. No, scratch that. It is an amazing, fascinating, and insanely creative film that drops 1,000 brilliant ideas per second. It came into our world way ahead of its time, and although we logged off gamer culture after, like, GTA: Vice City, we feel fairly confident in saying it hasn’t aged at all. Alright, its depiction of the manic pixie dream girl trope and its problems with the Bechdel test haved aged it a bit, but again, time is a flat circle. In this Pictofact, then, we take a look at 20 hyper-kinetic, genre-blending, pop-culture-referencing, and highly pixelated facts about Scott Pilgrim vs. The World. For example, did you know it rocks? That’s a freebie for ya.
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

Universal Pictures
Michael Cera

Universal Pictures
Seth Rogen

Universal Pictures, vipflash/Shutterstock
Brie Larson

Universal Pictures
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

Universal Pictures
Sam Raimi

Universal Pictures
Scott Pilgrim vs the World

Universal Pictures
Lucas Lee

Universal Pictures
Author Cameo

Gage Skidmore/Wiki Commons,
Universal Pictures
Aubrey Plaza

Universal Pictures
Brandon Routh

No Brits

Universal Pictures
Bill Hader

Universal Pictures, Featureflash Photo Agency/Shutterstock
The Animated Sequences

Universal Pictures

Universal Pictures
Scott Pilgrim vs the World

Universal Pictures
Comic Book Ending

Universal Pictures
The Serial Killer Ending

Universal Pictures
Robot Gideon

Universal Pictures
5 Movies That Cut Insane Twist Endings at the Last Second
The Knives Ending

Universal Pictures