27 Fun Facts That Sprung Loose From Our Fact Factory

We don't know how to tell you this… But there's been an accident at the Fact Factory, everyone. We normally pride ourselves on keeping all of our interesting facts about pop culture, science, and history all under containment and neatly catalogued; but mistakes happen. At this time, we believe an employee has fallen asleep at the Giant Fact Wheel, resulting in a catastrophic spill of Cool Fun Facts all over the place.
We understand the devastating impact this will have on the ecology of the surrounding environment. We are asking for volunteers to please strap in and help soak up all of these Extremely Interesting Bits of Trivia into their sponge-like brains to prevent lasting and irrevocable damage to the area. Once we contain the spill, we will renew our efforts to ensure an accident like this never takes place again.
That said, we absolutely refuse to pay a fine. Enjoy the facts!
POWs in a bugged mansion

Source: 15 Facts That Really Put Everything In Perspective For Us
Norse Paganism is growing

Source: 15 Facts That Really Put Everything In Perspective For Us
Ken Jennings is a dirty liar!

Source: 15 Facts That Really Put Everything In Perspective For Us
9/11 Recordings from an unexpected place

Source: 15 Facts That Really Put Everything In Perspective For Us
Joe Biden is 79 years old

Chernobyl was a mess, to say the least

British Colombia is Huge

The BMW 507

That's heckin' old!

Source: 15 Facts That Really Put Everything In Perspective For Us
Now that's an effective grift!

Source: 15 Facts That Really Put Everything In Perspective For Us
"Frozen" was good for more than that song that was everywhere

Source: 15 Facts That Really Put Everything In Perspective For Us
Maybe Don't Lock Your Exit Doors?

Source: 15 Facts That Really Put Everything In Perspective For Us
Everyone is in Anchorage mostly

The popularity of the xylophone

Thyme grants courage!

Air pollution & Salamanders

Well That's... Extreme

Source: 15 Facts That Really Put Everything In Perspective For Us
The Hidden WWII Cemetery Plot

Source: 15 Facts That Really Put Everything In Perspective For Us
The First Radio Communication

Source: 15 Facts That Really Put Everything In Perspective For Us
The Original Batteries

Source: 15 Facts That Really Put Everything In Perspective For Us
Jackie Robinson's Bank

The reason for eggs

More big obelisks, please!

Gender norms ruin gymnastics

Hats & Rifles

Source: 15 Facts That Really Put Everything In Perspective For Us
Repurposed Oysters

Source: 15 Facts That Really Put Everything In Perspective For Us
That Asteroid Was No Joke

Source: 15 Facts That Really Put Everything In Perspective For Us