20 Beautiful Facts For Every Trivia Tastemaker

Did you know that your newborn’s first poop can be tested for drugs? It’s true! Meconium, the first bowel movement of an infant, can be analyzed to determine if the mother smoked, drank or used drugs during pregnancy. On a completely different note, although you might not think it, a small Irish football team’s logo is actually in honor of the Ottoman Empire. Drogheda United FC has a logo based on the Ottomans because they smuggled food into Drogheda during the Great Famine. The team even changed their colors from blue and white to red and white in order commemorate this act of kindness. Lastly, did you know that sunflowers are made up hundreds of single-petal flowers? What appear to be “petals” of an individual flower are actually each individual complete ray flowers, and at its center is a dense pack of tiny disc flowers. So a sunflower is basically the Voltron of botany.
Post-It Notes were made during 3M employee’s free time.

The mentality of cleaning our plate leads to overeating.

A French soldier was elected king of Sweden.

One of the coldest cities in Canada is also Slurpee capital of the world.

A Norwegian prime minister during the nazi occupation introduced the death penalty and was sentenced to it.


Great White Sharks are selective feeders.

The Garcia Effect makes you avoid food that you associate with getting sick.

Water cremation is the more environmentally friendly version of heat cremation.

A Serbian Zoo

Malaysian Ants

A beer flood in 1814 killed eight people.

The International Redhead Day festival is held every year in the Netherlands.

The Pandora CEO says he didn’t know it was illegal to not pay employees.

The term “boycott” comes from an English landlord that the Irish told to f off.

Nearly 200,000 gold bars and more wealth was shipped from the UK to Canada.

A sunflower is made up of hundreds of single-petal flowers.

An Irish football team made their logo in gratitude to the Ottomans.

Evidence of a mother’s drug and alcohol abuse can be found in her infant’s first poop.