20 Bonkers Facts That Really Crunched Our Berries

Who knew that there used to be pretty heavy restrictions on what women could wear in Congress? It wasn't until 1993 that pants became an acceptable article of clothing for women legislators. This is despite the fact that, in 1969, Charlotte Reid became the first woman to boldly don a pair of trousers onto the floor. When asked about it later, she said then-Minority Leader Gerald Ford told her he thought it was great and she should do it more often. Also, did you know that Bill Gates took advantage of software glitches in middle school? He and Paul Allen lost computer privileges after obtaining free computer time from the company they worked for; however, they were allowed back into the lab when they offered to debug program as well. Talk about turning lemons into lemonade! On a different note, stadiums have come a long way since their ancient Roman counterparts - which is probably a good thing seeing as how 20,000 people died during one sporting event. The tragedy occurred during a crowded gladiator game at Fidenae Stadium (8 miles north of Rome) in 27 AD when cheap wooden stadium collapsed. Needless to say, this disaster led the Senate to require stadiums be inspected and certified before use.
Moscow Mules

Weed Smokers

Buffet bought controlling shares of a company out of spite for the CEO.

Doctors were forbidden from doubling as pharmacists in 1241.

The guy who grounded all planes in the sky on 9/11 had just started the job that day.

A Spanish village was painted blue for the Smurfs movie, and they kept it.

Deep in the Heart of Texas

Trap Shooters

A siren weighing 3 tons could condense fog into rain.

A man in 2016 robbed a bank to get away from his wife.

Always turn down your first $10 million offer.

The US has a plan to keep a plane in the air for 29 years if nukes take out ground facilities.


Fiber helps lower cholesterol in a roundabout way.

Larry Walker


Bethesda gave parents games for life if they named their kid after a Skyrim character.

Gladiator Disaster

Bill Gates

Despite it occurring in 1969, women officially weren’t allowed to wear pants in Congress until 1993.