20 Boundless Facts That Really Stretched Our Horizons

Have you ever done something spiteful to get back at an ex? Maybe not on the same level as this man, but we've all been there. Brandon Preveau of Chicago bought a car in his ex-girlfriend's name and then proceeded to rack up over $100,000 worth of parking tickets by abandoning it at O'hare airport. Talk about petty revenge! And on the subject of movies, did you know that the 2006 cult classic Idiocracy almost didn't exist? Apparently, during filming Mike Judge (the writer/director) was so amazed during one scene featuring extras paid to watch closeups of people's butts that he considered scrapping the whole film! We're glad he changed his mind eventually. Last fun fact for today: Did you know that Sony actually lost money on sales of every single Playstation 3 unit… for 4 years?! The console originally launched at a whopping $599 price tag (which is kinda steep, really), and despite strong sales later down the line it took awhile for Sony turn things around.
Stephen Colbert

Bank of America started Visa as an experiment.

The goliath tigerfish is a larger version of a piranha.

China was drilling for and transporting natural gas in 200 BC.

The Billionaire Boys Club

Keanu Reeves

Hops don’t just make beer, they help our bee friends.

Captain Kirk

People being frustrated over not being able to open a package have “wrap rage.”

Grave robbing was an actual job in the 18th-19th centuries.

Israel was attacked during Yom Kippur, which aided in their response.


Dale Schroeder

The bearded vulture feeds exclusively on bones.

Herbert C. Brown’s wife only wanted to spend $2 on him, and he later won the Nobel for it.

Too much nutmeg will screw your brain up.

Busy Life Syndrome is affecting our memory.



A man abandoned a car in his ex's name so it would accrue parking violations.