20 Now-You-Know Facts That Lifted Our Spirits

George Lucas, the mastermind behind Star Wars, was actually rejected from the US Air Force because of his speeding tickets. Can you imagine George as a pilot instead of a movie director? It almost happened, but he had too many traffic violations to join in 1967 after graduating with a BFA in film. He was later drafted into Vietnam but once again couldn't serve due to diabetes. On a different note, did you know that dogs were sent to protect penguins on an Australian island? A single farmer saved the penguin population by using Maremma dogs to keep foxes away - over ten years not a single penguin was eaten! That's one impressive dog-sitter. Lastly, the metal cover of the Nick time capsule (buried in 1992 and meant to be opened in 50 years) was bought at action for $19,200 recently. The time capsule contained books, rollerblades and movies among other things, all carefully chosen by Nickelodeon employees back in 1992 before their studio closed down.
The lowest ranking chimp in a tribe became the alpha when he stole cans from a human camp.

An Airman in 2009 woke up from gallbladder surgery with both legs amputated.

The first webcam was made in 1991.

Ice is a legitimate mineral.

The British army created battalions for short soldiers.

Hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers escaped Manhattan on boats on 9/11.

The malaria parasite disguises itself as a blood cell.

The poor had the right to pick over crops that had already been harvested.

Willie Sutton was the friendliest bank robber of the 20th century.

Baseball hand signals were created by a deaf player.

“The Black Cauldron” is only mentioned in Tokyo Disneyland.

William Ellis Green

London pays the crown in horseshoes and nails every year.

Getty sold images that had been donated royalty-free to the Library of Congress.

Oswald the Lucky Rabbit is Mickey Mouse’s ancestor.

E.T. is in the same universe at Star Wars.

The metal cover of the Nick time capsule was bought at action.

Dogs were sent to protect penguins on an Australian island.

The universe just won’t let George Lucas serve his country.