Miserable Aspects of 'Fun' Jobs

Since we love to hear insider insights about different career fields, we asked Cracked readers on Facebook, “What job was not as fun as you thought it would be? What made it so bad?” The most popular answer seemed to be any retail job, even if you are passionate about whatever you are selling. We learned a surprising amount of readers are archaeologists, and, unfortunately, that job isn’t as cool as Indiana Jones makes it out to be. But mostly what we learned is that no matter how cool a job sounds, it can be awful. (Except for working at Cracked. We would never, ever complain so please don’t fire us, Boss!)
Here are 15 responses that brought up interesting points about their jobs. It might even make you more satisfied with a choice to take the less exciting career path. (Not us, though. We’re really, really content with all our professional decisions.)
Stand-Up Comedian

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Video Game Employee

Photo: Shutterstock

Photo: Shutterstock
Marijuana Grow Facility Harvester

Photo: Shutterstock
Sound Guy in a Strip Club

Photo: Shutterstock
Pawn Shop Employees

Photo: Shutterstock
Avionics Technician

Photo: Shutterstock
Mail Carrier

Photo: Shutterstock
Aerospace Material Lab Employee

Photo: Shutterstock
Kennel Employee

Photo: Shutterstock
TV & Film Extra

Photo: Shutterstock
Kids Party Mascot

Photo: Shutterstock
Casino Employee

Photo: Shutterstock

Photo: Shutterstock

Photo: Shutterstock