30 Crazy Conspiracy Theories People Actually Believe

People, it seems, will believe just about anything. If you make a YouTube video that amounts to nothing more than a grainy slideshow, a spooky voice over, and half made up phrases of pseudoscience, SOME uncle out there will accept it as absolute fact and make it the crux of their worldview come Thanksgiving. Yet, even in our current climate of social media disinformation campaigns and dudes spewing nonsense in between ad reads for protein powder, there are some conspiracy theories out there that stretch the limits of our imagination.
In the list below you'll see a fair number of the common ones: Obama is a lizard man, the Earth is actually flat, Stanley Kubrick faked the moon landing and planted clues about it in The Shining… But you'll also see a fair amount of stuff that you'll refuse to believe anyone out there actually, well, believes.
But man, wouldn't it be crazy if this was all true?
Flat Earth

Michael Jackson was Castrated

Lorde Is 40

Miley Cyrus Has Been Replaced

A Plot by the Pope

The Blue Beam Project

Lost Cosmonauts

Boycotting the Polio Vaccine

Biggie & Tupac Are Alive... And Friends!

Stevie Wonder

Stanley Kubrick Faked the Moon Landing

Tom Cruise Wife Auditions

Dinosaurs Helped Build the Pyramids

Groceries and Terrorism

Jewish Mind Controlled Sharks

Obama is the Antichrist

Steve Jobs is Still Alive

Bob Marley Was Killed as a Warning

Elvis' Constipation

Jay-Z and the Illuminati

Obama on Mars

The Truth About One Direction

The God of Death

Katy Perry is JonBenet

Bill Hicks is Alex Jones

J.K Rowling Doesn't Exist

You Aren't Real

Iran Killed Michael Jackson

Stephen King Killed John Lennon