20 Explosive Facts About Michael Bay And His Movies
We like our Michael Bay movies like we like our burgers: big and tasty and slimy enough for us to indulge our worst tendencies, but just the perfect size for us to finish it before getting tired of it. Just as it happens with fast food, there might indeed be good Michael Bay movies. Is this controversial? It depends on your stance. Some say he has made no true cinematic contribution, which might just be having impossibly high standards pampered by the Camerons and Woos of the world. Others, however, say the man does have a unique style, and that said style can indeed produce interesting outcomes.
You already know what this Pictofact will be about. We’ll take a brief look at Michael Bay and examine some of his best and most explosive movies (and we’ll leave his overt misogyny for another time). And what makes a good Michael Bay movie, then? Well, our criteria is highly technical and we don’t want to bore you, but it all comes down to “everything that didn’t annoy us all that much.” Bad Boys II? Cringe. 6 Underground? We’re not even sure that movie exists. Pearl Harbor? Cuba Gooding needed a bigger part, he’s way better than Ben Affleck. The Transformers sequels? Be kind to us and jam a broken Con Air DVD into our eye holes instead. But then there are other Bay flicks that… do not fail. Not at all, actually. We now take a look at them.