20 Rom-Coms We Forgot Existed That Deserve Another Look

We’re suckers for romantic comedies (we’re also suckers for romantic love, but that’s because we’re dumb and masochistic). We even love the very idea of a meet cute, and we’re happily seeing Bros even if Billy Eichner is honoring his tired aggressively-screaming-at-people schtick by chastising us for not having paid money to see it already. Among the millions of classic and recent romantic comedies fighting for our attention, however, there are always those that escape it and actually deserve a second chance.
In this Pictofact, we remember 20 rom-coms we forgot existed, but that we should stop before they get on the plane with a rambling declaration of love, or something something rom-com trope. We focused on some mainstream Hollywood movies, some edgier indie stuff, and there’s even the artsy film here and there, you know how we roll. Our expectation is simple: That you’ll go, “hey, yeah, I remember that movie, it was good!” that you’ll then pop one in the old Betamax player, and that you’ll just enjoy it once again alongside your loved one. Or whatever, the next best thing. Yeah, love stinks. Anyway, underrated and forgotten rom-coms!
Down With Love

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Image Credit: 20th Century Studios
Working Girl

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Image Credit: Orion Classics
The American President

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Image Credit: Universal Pictures
The Man Who Loved Women

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Image Credit: United Artists
Brown Sugar

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Image Credit: Fox Searchlight Pictures
Sliding Doors

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Image Credit: Miramax Films

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Image Credit: 20th Century Studios
The Opposite of Sex

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Image Credit: Sony Pictures Classics

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Image Credit: The Samuel Goldwyn Company
How to Marry a Millionaire

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Image Credit: 20th Century Studios
Martha, Meet Frank, Daniel and Laurence

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Image Credit: Film4

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Image Credit: Paramount Pictures
My Beautiful Laundrette

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Image Credit: Orion Classics
Honor Society

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Image Credit: Paramount+
Just Friends

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Image Credit: New Line Cinema
The Truth About Cats & Dogs

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Image Credit: 20th Century Studios

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Image Credit: Universal Pictures
Celeste and Jesse Forever

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Image Credit: Sony Pictures Classics
Green Card

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Image Credit: Touchstone Pictures
Chasing Amy

Trailer on YouTube
Image Credit: Miramax Films