16 Movies with Important Briefcases, Suitcases, and Bags

Luggage has been around ever since mankind decided, “I want to take this stuff here and put it over there.” We have created bags, bindles, backpacks, suitcases, briefcases, saddlebags, attachés, sacks, satchels, totes, and more to fulfill this need. But it’s not just the bag that’s important, but the item or items within that make it significant.
That’s why in several movies there are plots that involve obtaining, stealing, or capturing a bag/briefcase/suitcase with an important MacGuffin or money inside. It’s a cliché now, but it’s effective. The tension of two or more characters struggling to keep the case or use its contents for their personal gain provides quality entertainment and storytelling. Sometimes the contents aren’t just a goal, but a weapon for a character to use. Or the briefcase is a weapon itself!
Here’s a list of movies that contain important plot points or scenes featuring a briefcase, bag, or other such carryable container.
Pulp Fiction

Miramax Films
Bullet Train

Sony Pictures, Columbia Pictures
The Big Lebowski

Polygram Filmed Entertainment


Screen Gems
Jackie Brown

Miramax Films

Polygram Filmed Entertainment

Kurosawa Films, Toho
Escape from New York

AVCO Embassy Pictures
Dumb and Dumber

New Line Cinema
8 Heads in a Duffel Bag

Orion Pictures

Universal Pictures
Hail, Caesar

Universal Pictures
From Russia With Love

Eon Productions, United Artists
Kill Bill: Vol 2

Miramax Films

Janus Films