Halloween Then VS Now

Halloween is a holiday that has diminishing returns as we age. Unlike other holidays like Thanksgiving or Arbor Day, the real main event (trick-or-treating) gets progressively more sad and concerning as we age. That doesn’t mean there aren’t still fun and spooky things to do for Halloween, and in fact some parts of the night only get better with age – like if you want to hook up with someone you’ve only seen under 5 layers of prosthetics and makeup, it’s a fun gamble where everyone wins! – but the sad truth is that our youth is behind us, and with it the carefree innocence of the year's most spookified holiday. Yeah, we can hang up as many skeletons and bats around the office as we like, but long gone are the nights spent sifting through a pillow case's worth of Snickers, Baby Ruths, and Milky Ways.
On the other hand, being adults means we can just go buy bags and bags of candy whenever we want. So maybe it's not all bad.
Urban Legends



Scary Movies


The Night Before

The Day Of

Halloween Night


The Real Horror