20 Mean Movie Bullies (Who'd Wedgie Us Seeing This List)

Bullies: Their brains are literally small and you can beat them by living your best life. We’ve discussed bullying here at Cracked, particularly the experience of being bullied and how the trope can and has found a new life. Moreover, we’ve also done our fair share of bullying, particularly aimed at the current manifestation of the archetype. This is the cry-bully: the professionally mean person whose entire shtick is based on them always having to be the victim. Such disingenuous lameness is just asking to be silenced inside a locker — so this is not what we’re talking about here.
In this Pictofact, we honor the only interesting bullies, that is, fictional bullies. In real-life, punching up is not bullying but self-defense, and so, erm, something something guillotine, whatever. So we’re focusing on movie bullies, and we’ve gathered the cream of the crop. Really, we’d like to put them all in a room and see what happens. Will they bully each other for bullying supremacy in a whole Bully Royale? Will they team up and, erm — wait, what kind of things does bullying do when it becomes an institutional logic? Oh, right. Anyway, we now discuss 20 mean movie bullies, who would probably read this intro and leave really cruel comments, because that sweet cruelty-driven dopamine fix ain’t gonna squirt itself, you know?
Biff Tannen from 'Back to the Future'

Regina George from 'Mean Girls'

Scut Farkus from 'A Christmas Story'

Sin Phillips from 'Toy Story'

George Tooney from 'Mean Creek'

Courtney Shayne in 'Jawbreaker'

Steff McKeen from 'Pretty in Pink'

Rizzo from 'Grease'

Nancy Downs from 'The Craft'

Marianne Bryant fom 'Easy A'

The Heathers from 'Heather'

Chris Hargensen from 'Carrie'

Dazed and Confused (Again)

Tracy Flick from 'Election'

Draco Malfoy from 'Harry Potter'

Chet Donnelly in 'Weird Science'

Buzz from 'Home Alone'

Whitney and Courtney from 'Bring It On'

Brandon McCarthy from 'Welcome to the Dollhouse'

Henry Bowers from 'It'