20 Pieces Of Now-You Know Trivia 10/03/22

Cookie Monster eats rice cakes, not cookies.
20 Pieces Of Now-You Know Trivia 10/03/22

Fun science time! Did you know that hookworm larvae enter our intestines through our feet and blood stream? After they enter the blood and into the lungs, they crawl up the trachea, get swallowed into the stomach, and then journey to the intestines to mature, reproduce, and lay eggs. Crazy, right?! We, uhh, hope you weren't reading this at lunch or anything. Ahem … anyway! Let's talk about something only slightly less ghoulish. People frozen to death are often found naked and misidentified as a victim of a violent crime – just before lethal hypothermia, a person will undress themselves because they perceive themselves to be overheating when indeed they’re freezing (paradoxical undressing). Can you imagine the reactions from investigators trying to solve a case? Angelina Jolie once tried to hire a hitman to kill her. She felt that murder would be easier on her family than her committing suicide. The would-be-hitman talked her out of it by asking her to wait a month. Thankfully for everyone, not least of all Angelina Jolie, he was successful.

Dali was afraid of grasshoppers.

Salvador Dali was afraid of grasshoppers because of childhood bullies. Other kids frequently hurled grasshoppers and other insects at him. When they appear in Dalí's work, grasshoppers are used as a symbol of destruction, waste, and fear. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW


The US tried to win the Vietnam War by playing spooky ghost noises.

The US military imitated ghosts when fighting the Vietcong, called Operation Wandering Soul. The US played tapes of ghost soldiers who had fallen in battle, based on the Vietnamese belief that if a body isn't interred near its corporeal home, the soul will wander the earth. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW


Kleptogenesis involves stealing genetic material to reproduce.

All mole salamanders in the genus Ambystoma are female and no males exist in this genus. These female salamanders 'steal' sperm from up to five different species of salamanders and recom- bine it to produce female hybrid offspring. This method of reproduction is called kleptogenesis. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW


The President gets his living expenses deducted from his salary.

The US president gets a bill at the end of each month for his and his family's expenses. The bill includes per- sonal food and ex- penses including dry cleaning, toothpaste, and toiletries, which is then deducted from his salary. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW


One person has the rare condition Hamish Syndrome.

There is only one person with Hamish Syndrome, where one kidney is located in the leg. Renel capsule Cortex Renal pyramids Renel artery Perirenal fat Renel vein Renel pelvis Renel fascia Pararenal fat Renal papilla ureter Named after Hamish Robinson, the condi- tion is believed to be caused by a missing chromosome named 7p22.1. Both kidneys are fully functional. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW

Med News

Every new building since 1951 in Israel is built with a bomb shelter.

Since 1951 it is required by law in Israel that new buildings will have bomb shelters. Every new building will have a security room that can withstand blast and shrapnel from convention- al weapons, and offer pro- tection against chemical and biological weapons. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW

NY Magazine

One green lamp with a listening device was at the center of a price-fixing scandal in the ‘90s.

An FBI wiretap used the same lamp to bug rooms in the lysine price-fixing scandal. The FBI arranged to have the same green lamp with a bugging device setup in every hotel room where corporate whistleblower Mark Whitacre stayed and met with fellow executives. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW

Accounting Today

Tobey Maguire

Tobey Maguire's mom bribed him to take acting classes. When Tobey was in sixth grade, he dreamed of be- coming a chef and asked his mother to sign him up for a home economics class. His mother bribed him with $100 to take an acting class instead. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW


JTT left Hollywood to study philosophy.

Jonathan Taylor Thomas walked away from fame at the height of his career to study philosophy at Harvard. After high school, he en- rolled at Harvard Universi- ty, where he studied phi- losophy and history and spent his third year abroad at the University of St An- drews in Scotland. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW

The Gazette

People will start to remove their clothes just before dying of hypothermia.

People frozen to death are often found naked and misidentified as a victim of a violent crime. Just before lethal hypo- thermia, a person will un- dress themselves because they perceive themselves to be overheating when in- deed they're freezing (par- adoxical undressing). CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW

New Scientist

Hookworm larvae use the bottoms of our feet to enter our blood.

Hookworm larvae enter our intestines through our feet and bloodstream. After they enter the blood and into the lungs, they crawl up the trachea, get swallowed into the stom- ach, and then journey to the intestines to mature, reproduce, and lay eggs. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW


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