20 Pieces Of Now-You Know Trivia 10/03/22

Fun science time! Did you know that hookworm larvae enter our intestines through our feet and blood stream? After they enter the blood and into the lungs, they crawl up the trachea, get swallowed into the stomach, and then journey to the intestines to mature, reproduce, and lay eggs. Crazy, right?! We, uhh, hope you weren't reading this at lunch or anything. Ahem … anyway! Let's talk about something only slightly less ghoulish. People frozen to death are often found naked and misidentified as a victim of a violent crime – just before lethal hypothermia, a person will undress themselves because they perceive themselves to be overheating when indeed they’re freezing (paradoxical undressing). Can you imagine the reactions from investigators trying to solve a case? Angelina Jolie once tried to hire a hitman to kill her. She felt that murder would be easier on her family than her committing suicide. The would-be-hitman talked her out of it by asking her to wait a month. Thankfully for everyone, not least of all Angelina Jolie, he was successful.
Dali was afraid of grasshoppers.

A family in Turkey walks on all fours.

The US tried to win the Vietnam War by playing spooky ghost noises.

A fifth of all calories that humans consume is from rice.

Kleptogenesis involves stealing genetic material to reproduce.

Proud American

The President gets his living expenses deducted from his salary.

One person has the rare condition Hamish Syndrome.

The existence of atoms was hypothesized around the 4th century BCE.

Every new building since 1951 in Israel is built with a bomb shelter.

One green lamp with a listening device was at the center of a price-fixing scandal in the ‘90s.

Tobey Maguire

JTT left Hollywood to study philosophy.

Cookie Monster

You can trade in your dangerous chip pan for a deep-fryer.

Game of Thrones

Angelina Jolie

People will start to remove their clothes just before dying of hypothermia.

Hookworm larvae use the bottoms of our feet to enter our blood.