20 Now-You-Know Facts That Really Poured Gas On Our Fire

In 1912, a tailor named Franz Reichelt jumped to his death from the first deck of the Eiffel Tower while testing out a homemade coat parachute--an invention he'd been working on with dedication. After telling authorities he would first test it with a dummy, Reichelt insisted on being the guinea pig himself. Unfortunately, his contraption failed him and he plummeted to his death. During John F. Kennedy's presidency, his mother asked Nikita Khrushchev to send her an autograph--a request which JFK later scolded her for making without consulting him first. Understandably so; as the mother of the head of state, such requests from her could be interpreted in various ways, even though she was simply trying to collect signatures. “The Empire Strikes Back,” widely considered one of if not THE best Star Wars movie ever made, almost didn't make it into theaters at all because George Lucas put the screen credits at the end rather than at beginning as was customary. Because of this decision that preserved dramatic opening sequences but broke protocol concerning where credits should go, Lucas was fined $250,000 and a movie that would make cinematic history nearly got pulled from theaters.
Soju must be sold at $1 a bottle, so everyone can afford it.

A fat king started the trend of leaving the bottom button of a suit jacket undone.

Confucius' family tree has two million branches.


7-year-olds were fined for not wearing caps in 16th-century England.

A samurai made goldfish available to the general public to help his clan pay off their debts.

Saudi Arabian Royals

Ashley Revell

Clara Ford didn’t drive the Ford Model T.

Oxpeckers may be a bigger parasite than the bugs they eat.

Celine Dion really didn’t want to be on the Titanic soundtrack.

One of a starfish’s arms can override the others.

Scammers in Nigeria


FedEx was told to stop dealing drugs in 2014.

Bars in Japan serve raw horse meat.

A Chicago hotel has no check-in desk and an automated “comfort assistant.”

George Lucas almost got “The Empire Strikes Back” removed from theaters.

JFK’s mom used her connection to the presidency to get autographs from heads of state.

Parachute Trial Run