20 Flaky Facts That Really Picked Our Scabs

English may be known as the universal language, but did you know that it's the only one to capitalize the personal pronoun ‘I’? There were no official rules for the capitalization until 1700s anyway. The lowercase ‘i’ was difficult to read back then so writers started making it more clear by using capitals. Speaking of history, did you hear about the time when a famous medieval Spanish warlord was posthumously sent into battle? El Cid's corpse was embalmed and fitted with armor before being placed on his horse during Valencia's siege. Talk about boosting troops' morale! Thanks to him, they won a charge against their attackers. In France, supermarket chains are not allowed to throw away unsold food anymore; they have to donate them instead to charities or food banks. With this new law came millions of free meals per year for those struggling financially. Who knows – maybe other countries will follow France's lead soon enough!
Saccharin was discovered when a researcher tasted something sweet on his fingers.

Benedict Arnold has an unnamed monument in NY.

Ball’s Pyramid is taller than it is wide.

One man survived two atomic bombs.

The largest Chinese restaurant in the world goes through 700 chickens a week.

Australia had a Rum Rebellion.

The B-2 bomber will reboot in the event of an atomic bomb.


Michael Jordan had to pay a fine for wearing Air Jordans during games.

There are poop pills for gut infections.

Tumble weeds are from Asia.

Robert Pattinson is afraid of horses, but not elephants.

Tiny homes provide shelter in Seattle.

Nazis made their own physics in the 1930s.

A missionary stayed with the native tribe they were sent to convert.

France banned the disposal of unsold grocery items.

A medieval warlord won a battle as a corpse.

The pronoun ‘I’ is capitalized only in English.