15 Now-You-Know Facts That Really Shredded Our Cheese

When it comes to fashion, even the statues were keeping up with the times. Roman marble busts were often made with removable hair so that styles could be swapped out as needed. This saved Romans from having to commission new busts every time there was a change in hairstyle trends. Speaking of changing things up, did you know that John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson once almost had the same vice president? It's true! John C Calhoun got picked by both presidents as their running mate, despite being vehemently opposed to nearly all of Adams's policies. I guess he just couldn't say no when asked twice. And finally, we have an uplifting story about poet Robert Desnos who used his talent for palm reading to save concentration camp prisoners during WWII. He would tell them they had long lives ahead of them, full of children and joy - predictions that sounded so convincing and exciting that guards called off executions altogether.
A lake in Massachusetts has an absurdly long name.

A gas giant 50 light years away is so hot it would glow red.

Danny Trejo

A Somali refugee in the Netherlands joined parliament to champion women’s rights.

A miscommunication led to the deaths of 115 church goers in 1902.

Hermione almost had a different actress in the 6th Harry Potter film.

Aeschylus was killed when an eagle dropped a tortoise on his head.


Tesla hated physical contact with other people.

Half a dozen plane-crash rescue attempts just added more people needing rescue.

An ancient king had poison-plant-eating ducks.

Michael Jordan surpassed all the conditions Nike had before they gave him a contract.

A poet saved the lives of concentration camp prisoners by reading palms.

John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson each picked John C Calhoun to be their running mate in 1824 .

Roman marble busts could have removable hair to swap styles.