25 News Stories That Confirm The World Is Just A Dumb Blueberry In Space

AI wins state fair art contest, annoys humans.
25 News Stories That Confirm The World Is Just A Dumb Blueberry In Space

I enjoy this list of interesting facts a lot. I've decided that it is now my solemn duty to make them more widely known to the human race. I'm going to do so by publishing it here. Anyone who finds it interesting is invited to post their comments and additional information. This way we can enjoy this list of interesting facts in a much wider context and make sure that everyone knows about it. So, please post your comments, additions, corrections and arguments about any of the facts here. If you disagree with any of them, feel free to tell me why. If you have found a better fact or even a fact of equal interest, feel free to share it with me. I'm always interested in new information, so if you've got any to add, please do. Also feel free to post new facts, even if you don't see anything that relates to the ones already in the list. There may be other facts out there that are just as strange and interesting.

Conservatives in Idaho target 400 library books – but the library doesn't even own them.

Conservatives in Idaho target 400 library books-but the library doesn't even own them. GRACKED.COM Conservatives are trying to ban 400 books from a li- brary, but the li- brary doesn't even carry them.


Senator Ralph Babet slams Year 8 student who reportedly identifies as a cat.

An Australian senator is slamming the 'woke left' for making kids into furries. CRACKED.COM The behavior is being normalized, said Senator Ralph Babet. Now more and more people are identifying as whatever they want to identify with, including 'furries'.

AU News

Texas church apologizes for 'unauthorized' 'Hamilton' play comparing being gay to drug addiction.

A Texas church made their own version of Hamilton, comparing being gay with drug addiction. CRACKED.COM The Door Christian Fel- lowship Ministries in McAllen apologized for staging an unauthorized production of Hamilton and has agreed to pay damages for our actions.


NZ Company directors feel undervalued, survey finds.

New Zealand company directors are whining about feeling undervalued. GRAGKED.COM Non-executive directors worked just 111 hours a year on board matters in 2022, with a salary of $51,529. That's roughly $450 an hour. Sounds to us like they are actually overvalued.


Bulgarian Version Of Cards Against Humanity, The Provocative Party Game, Denied A License

Bulgaria denied a version of Card Against Humanity for offending 'ancient values.' Here is the church Here is the steeple Open the doors An argument with Richard Dawkins. And there is CRACKED.COM Cards Against Bulgarian- ness is full of references to Bulgaria's culture and history. The country's na- tional Patent Office has re- fused to register it, as it contradicts good man- ners and public order.


Leonardo DiCaprio, age 47, and Camila Morrone, age take a guess, have reportedly split.

Leonardo DiCaprio dumped another girlfriend the minute she turned 25. CRACKED.COM In keeping with his unbro- ken streak of never dating a woman over 25, DiCaprio left Camila Morrone three months after her 25th birthday. Не must hate it when a partner has the ability to rent a car.

LA Times

AI detects 20,000 hidden taxable swimming pools in France.

France used an AI to detect 20,000 undeclared swimming pools. GRACKED.COM France's tax office tested out machine-learning soft- ware to automatically find undeclared swimming pools from overhead pho- tos. The discoveries added £ 8.6 million in extra prop- erty levies.


Hungary officials warn education is becoming ‘too feminine.’

Officials in Hungary say education is becoming too feminine. CRACKED.COM The Hungarian parlia- ment's economic watch- dog warned that women being overrepresented in higher education could make them less likely to marry and have children.


Bizarre toilet-clogger reportedly causes thousands of dollars worth of damages.

A vandal pulled a Wet Bandit inside two homes being built, causing thousands of dollars worth of damage. CRACKED.COM An unknown individual entered two separate un- finished dwellings and maliciously clogged the kitchen sinks in both resi- dences causing water to flood the homes.


British soldier died after being mistaken for firing target by short-sighted colleague.

A British soldier was mistaken for a firing target by a colleague not wearing his glasses. CUN GRAGKED.COM Sergeant Gavin Hillier was fatally wounded at the Castlemartin range. The shooter had been prescribed corrective lenses but was not wear- ing them at the time.

The Journal

Heinz is now selling a collection of ketchup-stained clothing.

Heinz is selling designer clothes with ketchup stains. CRACKED.COM The vintage drip collec- tion features thrifted clothes with a unique ketchup stain - because when it's HEINZ, it's not a stain, it's a statement, a press release stated.


Hospital CEO says they ordered R500000 worth of skinny jeans accidentally due to a typo.

The $29,000 purchase of skinny jeans at a South African hospital was allegedly caused by a typo. GRAGKED.COM The money was allegedly paid to a new company that was registered a month prior, which has ties to a former soccer player. Whistleblower Babita Deo- karan later died in a hail of bullets.



Matt Damon's crypto firm sent someone $10.5 million instead of $100, and they can't get it back. GRAGKED.COM Crypto.com didn't discover that millions of dollars had gone to an Australian woman until seven months later, at which point the money was either spent or transferred.

Swastika Mountain in Oregon to get new name.

The Swastika Mountain in Oregon is finally being renamed. + УБ ENSIAPU CRACKED.COM The Oregon Geograph- ic Names Board will most likely rename the mountain after Chief Halotish, a 19th centu- ry leader of the Yon- calla-Kalapuya tribe.


Japan launches a contest to urge young people to drink more alcohol.

Japan is trying to get young people to drink more alcohol to get more of those sweet taxes. of WE Stire O TH SCOT VISA NICOLAL - ALBALI RESERVA CHERRY THE - BEASTRANER KATEAU LIVE PUNTIGAME POK WHISKY Sticor - A ... CRACKED.COM MARINOS An online contest dubbed Sake Viva! was created by Japan's National Tax Agen- су, which asks young peo- ple to submit business plans to lure a new genera- tion into alcoholism.


Officers seize a shipment of baby wipes that turned out to be $11.8 million worth of cocaine.

ate wipe 12 $11.8 million worth of with organic - calendula - for everyday - freshness I and 1 - - / | - I cocaine was hidden in a nafracare shipment of baby wipes. intimate wipes natracare Intimate Wines 12 acare intimate wipes 12 - organic - calendule and Damonie for everyday with - - the - with open - - FU - CRACKED.COM = chamondo - - happine - - - - - - I I nafracare intimate wipes nafracare intimate wipes 12 12 with again - calendule and of manylay Freshress US Customs and Border Protection officers


Jeff Bezos Thanks ‘Rings of Power’ Showrunners For Ignoring His Notes on the Show.

Jeff Bezos' son told him not to eff up the new Lord of the Rings show. CRACKED.COM At the UK premiere of Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power, Bezos revealed his Tolkien obsessed son had strong words for the Amazon boss.


'No More Sagging' campaign offers free belts to high school students with sagging pants.

A high school campaign in South Carolina is giving away belts to kids with sagging pants. CRACKED.COM The No More Sagging campaign encourages teens to dress appropri- ately by pulling up their pants, and how to carry themselves with re- spect.


Emotional support alligator cools off at Philadelphia's Love Park.

Someone brought their emotional support alligator to a Philly park. GRACKED.COM Joie Henney took Wally the alligator to Love Park, where he enjoyed getting sprayed by fountains of water. Wally was a nui- sance alligator from Flori- da that got a second chance with Henney.


Math Teacher Tied To Tree, Thrashed By Students For Giving Poor Marks.

A math teacher in India was tied to a tree and beaten for failing students. CRACKED.COM 11 students of the school out of 32 got Grade 'DD' (double D), which is con- sidered equivalent to fail. This is the only document- ed occurrence of high school boys actually get- ting mad at double Ds.


A Catholic charity hired a man to simulate a mass shooting at their building.

A Catholic charity staged a mass shooting drill without informing their employees. CRACKED.COM John Channels was ad- vised by the charity to make it realistic, so he came with paid actors that he doused in fake blood. The unaware employees predictably freaked out, and Channels was arrested.


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