20 Starchy Facts That Boiled Our Potatoes

I enjoy this list of interesting facts, and I hope that you enjoy it as well. This list is made up entirely of true, interesting, and sometimes even bizarre facts. Some of them are funny, some of them are weird, and a few are downright unbelievable. Some are good for a chuckle, and some are just plain mind-bending. The point of this list is to help you to entertain your own brain by entertaining yours with facts that are strange and bizarre and interesting. It is a way for you to explore the fascinating world of interesting facts by yourself. This is a list of facts about facts. Some of the facts will make you laugh. Some of them will make you think. Some of them will make you question the nature of reality. All of them will be interesting to enjoy. The following list has been compiled with a lot of love, and I hope that you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Lincoln grew a beard because a preteen told him to.

Bumblebees stimulate plants to flower by biting them.

A Bengal tigress has the most human kills.

Chocolate milk is an English drink invented by an Irishman in Jamaica.

Chinese speakers learn to count to 100 a year before English speakers.

William Eno brought up many traffic inventions, but couldn’t drive.

Canadians love Kraft Mac and Cheese.

Marilyn Monroe was just minding her business making airplanes when a photographer thought she could be a model.

ICP was once under a Disney-owned label.

A man 20,000 years ago left footprints in the sand as he ran at the speed of an Olympic sprinter.

Drunken sailors and soldiers held a victory riot after the end of WWII.

Marcel Petiot

No, we really won’t use calculus after high school.

Jimi Hendrix did more in 4 years than most musicians do their entire lives.

1964 NYC subway cars are retired in the Atlantic Ocean.

Professional fishing is more dangerous than policing.

A child could regrow the bone in their fingertip.

Elvis Presley

The average person in the Middle Ages didn’t have rotten teeth.

There’s no such thing as “right” or “left brain” dominance.