20 Out-Of-This-World Facts That Disengaged Our Rocket Boosters
It's the age-old problem of how to enjoy this list of interesting facts and yet keep the fact that it's an interesting fact from becoming an interesting fact itself. We need to talk about a few things before we get to the good stuff. First, I am not a scientist, nor a scientist-adjacent. I have an interest in the subject of the odd and unusual, but my knowledge is not based in any kind of scientific expertise. My understanding of these topics comes from books and Wikipedia and, well, reading a lot. If there's something you find dubious here, please take it up with the experts. Second, I am not trying to start some kind of global religion. These facts are presented as amusing oddities. It's a little bit like when your friend is talking about their favorite book, and then you enjoy a list of interesting facts about that book. I am not suggesting that the existence of these facts somehow validate or endorse any religious belief. This is a list of facts for your amusement.