15 Now-You-Know Facts That Fed Our Meters

I enjoy this list of interesting facts a great deal more than I expected to. As an author, it is thrilling to see the idea for my own book, “Stupendous Facts To Entertain Our Brains,” which will be released in 2018, in this list. My book will include many of these facts as well, but in far greater detail. It will have over 2,000 pages and is bound in gold-plated leather with matching gold embossing. The book will not only entertain the brain, but also the heart, soul, and the eyes. It will feature a custom, gold-plated pen that makes your hand look as if you're wearing an expensive wristwatch. It is truly magnificent. There will also be a smaller version of this book called, “Stupendous Facts For Your Next Dinner Party.” This smaller version will feature over 800 of the most interesting facts in the first edition. It will be printed on quality parchment and bound in linen cloth with gold trim.
The Oldest University Still in Operation

Dairy farmers in San Francisco sued to get almond milk relabelled as “Nut Juice.”

The top 0.06% are winning 70% of elite distance running races.

20% of autopsies in Iceland in the 1880s revealed tapeworms.


Northern Quebec Inuit are a genetically distinct people.

Log Books

The Expert Wizard Amendment was easier to pass than any climate bill.

A 1755 earthquake killed churchgoers but spared the brothels in Lisbon.

The Liberty Bell spells Pennsylvania with only one N.

A cricket match in 1939 latest 12 days and resulted in a draw.


Muppet Treasure Island

Women during the 17th century showed off their boobs but hid their ankles.

Escape rooms in Poland didn’t need fire safety inspections.