Tidbits That Really Put History In Perspective For Us
Sometimes we think we have a basic understanding of history, and then one fact can turn our whole perception upside down and make us question if our internal time clock is off. Maybe it’s because we learned about world history in segments instead of holistically, but how did we miss that the Wild West and the Civil War happened simultaneously? Were we sleeping when we were taught how recent Cleopatra compared to the Great Pyramids? Is it our public education school system or our own fault for not realizing George Washington could not have possibly known about dinosaurs?
Of course, with all these random facts rattling around in our noggins, it’s hard to keep a chronological record of what goes where. But sometimes, when we see black and white photos, it’s easy to forget how recent that is. (Don't forget that the queen of thirst traps, Martha Stewart, only has black and white childhood photos.)