36 Facts About Underrated NBC Sitcoms That Are ‘Must See’

Thursday nights on NBC, dubbed “Must See TV” by some cocaine-fueled marketing person in the 1990s, was the home of what may have been some of the greatest sitcoms of all time. How does anyone compete with a programming block that contained indisputable classics like Cheers, Frasier, Friends, The Office and Parks and Recreation? Answer: You don’t. But you can learn a bunch of great facts about them…
30 Rock

30 Rock / Donald Glover

30 Rock / Tracy Morgan

30 Rock / 7.44 Jokes

30 Rock

30 Rock / Jon Hamm

30 Rock / Lutz

30 Rock / Four Day Weekend

30 Rock / Steve Buscemi

Nontraditional student Dan Harmon


Community / Annie & Britta

The Good Place / Puns

Source: Holy Forkin' Shirt! 21 Hidden Jokes And Easter Eggs In 'The Good Place'
The Good Place / Panda

Source: Holy Forkin' Shirt! 21 Hidden Jokes And Easter Eggs In 'The Good Place'
The Good Place / Airport

Source: Holy Forkin' Shirt! 21 Hidden Jokes And Easter Eggs In 'The Good Place'
30 Rock / Jenna & Pete

The Good Place / Parks & Rec

Source: Holy Forkin' Shirt! 21 Hidden Jokes And Easter Eggs In 'The Good Place'
The Good Place / Props

Source: Holy Forkin' Shirt! 21 Hidden Jokes And Easter Eggs In 'The Good Place'
The Good Place / Signs

Source: Holy Forkin' Shirt! 21 Hidden Jokes And Easter Eggs In 'The Good Place'
The Good Place / Friday Night Lights

Source: Holy Forkin' Shirt! 21 Hidden Jokes And Easter Eggs In 'The Good Place'
30 Rock

30 Rock / Scott Adsit

30 Rock / Alec Baldwin

30 Rock / Liz

Community / Troy & Pierce

Community / Abed

Community Easter Egg

Community / Chang

The Good Place / Red

Source: Holy Forkin' Shirt! 21 Hidden Jokes And Easter Eggs In 'The Good Place'
The Good Place

Source: Holy Forkin' Shirt! 21 Hidden Jokes And Easter Eggs In 'The Good Place'
The Good Place / Philosophy

Source: Holy Forkin' Shirt! 21 Hidden Jokes And Easter Eggs In 'The Good Place'
The Good Place / Fibonacci

Source: Holy Forkin' Shirt! 21 Hidden Jokes And Easter Eggs In 'The Good Place'
Community / Channel 101


