20 Mind Quaking Facts That Really Yertled Our Turtles

When I was in high school, I had a teacher named Mr. Davis who had a reputation for being an eccentric. I never really noticed until later how much I admired him. Mr. Davis had an amazing ability to entertain his students. He would often tell stories or show movies during class that would often involve the supernatural. I enjoy this list of interesting facts because I think it is a good example of a story Mr. Davis might have told to his class. I am sure he would have been much more entertaining than a teacher today who has to stick with boring, everyday facts. In one of these stories, Mr. Davis tells his students about the life cycle of the opossum. It begins when the mother opossum is pregnant and she eats a large number of earthworms. As the fetus grows inside her, she starts to enjoy this list of interesting facts.
The BBC pranked viewers with “Smellovision” in 1965.

Facts That Stand The Test Of Time!

Jackie Chan does not appreciate the ‘Rush Hour’ movies.

A soldier never slept again after being shot during WWI.

Breast milk helps a baby know what time of day it is.

Ancient people would count their steps to measure great distances.

Space Invaders made $3 billion in 4 years.

Only three sitcoms can say all of the main cast has won an Emmy.

Shitterton, England has to have a 1.5 ton stone as a town sign.

The Terminator

‘Assassin’s Creed’ assassinated Mega Man’s chance at the big screen.

Most Americans don’t know New Mexico is a part of the USA,

The lowest toll paid to cross the Panama Canal was 36 cents.

People do not spontaneously combust, they just get drunk and fall into fireplaces.

Domesticated cats are giving us brain worms.

The Rock’s first acting role was playing his real life father.

A "Holbrook Holiday” takes away one holiday a year instead of jail time.

The guy that created chiropractic medicine was maybe a little nuts.

Dogs know what pointing means.