20 Get-Em-While-They’re-Hot Facts That Really Preheated Our Ovens

As humans, we enjoy this list of interesting facts for their inherent entertainment value. Some of the facts are absolutely ridiculous. Some are so weird that we don't even know where to begin. But we'll get there. First, let's begin with a question: what is a fact? You may say that something is a fact when it is indisputable and has been verified through scientific means, or it is an established historical fact, or maybe you'll claim that a fact is something that is undeniably true, but what does that even mean? How do we decide what is true and what is false? Is it all about what we enjoy, or is it about the objective truth of what happened in the past? Is it about our beliefs? Is it about our feelings? Is it about our needs? Is it about our desires? Now, I know that a lot of people are going to think that the following list of facts is ridiculous and unbelievable, and perhaps they're right.

The US was unsuccessful in segregating English pubs.

“Slaughterhouse-Five” was inspired by Vonnegut’s time as a POW.

The Nobel committee snubbed Einstein for a decade.

A General spied on the Confederate army dressed as a woman.

“Scarface” was edited to get an R rating, and then those edits were reversed.

A judge was called to be on the jury of a case he was presiding over.

Daisy Cutter Bombs

The Church of Scientology was sent thousands of all-black faxes to use up their ink.

A shroud made from cannabis was used in a tomb from 400 BCE.

North Koreans watch South Korean TV in secret thanks to an analog broadcast.

The largest non-nuclear explosion started with a cigarette.

Women give their male coworkers chocolate on Valentine’s Day in Japan.

The $16 paid for Manhattan would be more than enough to buy it back, if invested.


Bill Gates

The Oxygen catastrophe killed most life on Earth 2.5 billion years ago.

Parents of the last WWI POW accepted a con man as their missing son.

A French director dueled a film critic with fencing sabres.

Sean Connery