Monty Python: 15 Behind-The-Scenes Facts

How many times have you found yourself thinking “there are just some things in life that you enjoy , you just can't figure out why you find them so interesting” and “there are so many interesting things in life, surely I should have found a way to enjoy this list of interesting facts by now”? I hope that this list is the thing that helps you find the answer to these questions. These facts are presented as a list of humorous oddities and curiosities. Some are not well-known. All are fascinating to me, and hopefully, all will be fascinating to you too. If you enjoy this list of interesting facts then please share it with others. My first thought was “Wow! How cool are these!” But then I thought “Wait, where is the first number?” I don't have time to search for it because I'm supposed to be working right now. Maybe later.
World Record Holders

Terry Gilliam

Monty Python

Monty Python

Dead Parrot Is A Recycled Sketch

ABC VS Monty Python

Monty Python

Holy Grail Had A Microscopic Budget

The Lumberjack Song

Spamalot Success

Rutlemania Was Real

Free Music Is The Best Music

They Were Academic Geniuses

True Fan Service

Monty Python’s Flying Circus