15 Ways Judy Garland Out-Sex-And-Drugged Most Rock Stars
![15 Ways Judy Garland Out-Sex-And-Drugged Most Rock Stars](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/imageset/0/8/3/867083_320x180.jpg)
I enjoy this list of interesting facts because I have a passion for facts. Some people are obsessed with football, or politics, or movies, or the weather; I am obsessed with facts. I love them, in fact. I'm the kind of person who finds facts fascinating. The more fascinating the fact, the more I love it. I love interesting facts that are strange, unusual, and humorous. I love bizarre facts and funny facts. I love bizarre facts that are also humorous. And I love humorous facts that are bizarre, too. Humorous facts that are also bizarre are my favorite kinds of facts. I've written a list of weird facts in a number of books, but this is different because I've added an element that is unique. It's a new twist on a list of strange facts. A list of weird facts is typically an oddity list. It's a list of the most bizarre things I could possibly think of.
Her Tragic Death
![Her Tragic Death GRACKED.COM Sadly, it all caught up to Garland in 1969, when she was found dead of what was ruled an incautious self-overdosage with the equivalent of 10 Seconals in her system, ingested over the course of several hours. That might seem like a lot of drugs to for- get you took, but the woman was up to 40 pills a day. We don't even re- member if we took our antidepressant this morning.](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/imageset/0/9/8/867098.jpg)
Judy Garland
![Semi-Nude Serenades CRACKED.COM On a trip to Nassau, the manager re- called putting an intoxicated Garland to bed only to come back and find her on the balcony in her underwear, singing Over the Rainbow to a group of long- shoremen on the street below. It's hard to know what to do in that situation, whether to look away or simply accept the good fortune of a free Judy Garland show and applaud, but it seems the men did the latter.](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/imageset/0/9/9/867099.jpg)
Not Even a Glass Table to the Face Could Wake Her Up
![Not Even a Glass Table to the Face Could Wake Her Up GRACKED.COM The manager of her comeback tour in the early '60s also wrote that one night, as Garland stum- bled to bed, she face-planted into a glass coffee table. Мо- tionless and bleeding profusely, the manager thought she was dead, but it turned out she was just sleeping.](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/imageset/1/0/0/867100.jpg)
Judy Garland
![She Was Constantly Setting Herself on Fire CRACKED.COM Garland had a habit of passing out with a cigarette in her hand, which led to at least two fires, one in 1953 in which she barely escaped the flames when her husband carried her out of the burning bedroom and then a few years later when she suffered burns to her legs af- ter her nightgown caught fire. Even in her delirious state, she managed to quip to her manager, I better wear tights.](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/imageset/0/9/7/867097.jpg)
She Was Probably Bisexual
![She Was Probably Bisexual CRACKED.COM Much like those who dress up as her to- day, Garland almost certainly enjoyed same-gender relations. How often and with whom are hard to pin down, but one of her partners was probably MGM publicist Betty Asher, who was so close to Garland that many suspected they were more than just gals being pals. She was also a studio spy, but that doesn't necessarily preclude naked time. See: every James Bond movie.](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/imageset/0/9/6/867096.jpg)
The Singer and the Songwriter
![The Singer and the Songwriter CRACKED.COM You know the Frank Sinatra song That Old Black Magic? It's about Garland, written by Johnny Mercer, who she dat- ed in the '40s and also wrote such clas- sics as Moon River and Jeepers Creepers. Then she also banged Frank Sinatra because nobody knew how to make something all about her like Gar- land (though she complained that all he wants is blow jobs).](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/imageset/0/9/5/867095.jpg)
40 Pills a Day
![40 Pills a Day Ritalin OKEY CONTROLLED DRUG POSSESSION WITHOUT AUTHORITY ILLEGAL KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN b NOVARTIS OL Ritalin® 10 AUST R 11052 METHYLPHENIDATE HYDROCHLORIDE 10 mg CRACKED.COM It's no wonder she had to re- sort to such drastic mea- sures -- by 1968, Garland was taking 40 Ritalin pills every day. We took exactly one of those things one time in college, and we're pretty sure she was superhuman.](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/imageset/0/9/4/867094.jpg)
She Robbed Parties
![She Robbed Parties CRACKED.COM Perhaps emboldened by her rou- tine tap-dancing heists, Garland soon developed a reputation for shamelessly burgling medicine chests at parties. Van Johnson's wife even got an earful from Rosa- lind Russell after bringing Garland to a party at her house only to leave her medicine cabinet com- pletely empty.](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/imageset/0/9/0/867090.jpg)
The Gene Kelly System
![The Gene Kelly System CRACKED.COM If you were thinking this was going to be another affair, surprise! It's drugs! When not even her mobile pharmaceutical gang could satisfy her, Garland began making semi-frequent stops at the Kelly residence, which was halfway between her own home and the studio, to use the bathroom, which Kelly's wife soon realized was code for steal just enough of their sleeping pills to put them in a newfangled Gaslight situation.](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/imageset/0/9/3/867093.jpg)
Her Slapstick Affair With Orson Welles
![Her Slapstick Affair With Orson Welles CRACKED.COM While she was engaged to Vincente Mi- nelli and he was married to Rita Hay- worth, Garland's affair with Orson Welles reached sitcom hijinks levels of wacky. She once sent him a bouquet of flowers that Hayworth assumed were for her and invited both her fiance and lover to dinner on the same night, but quick thinking relieved her from the ne- cessity of pulling a two dates in the same restaurant.](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/imageset/0/9/2/867092.jpg)
Her Network of Drug Dealers
![Her Network of Drug Dealers SL NDd aps Magnes CRACKED.COM By 1949, Garland had such a well-oiled machine of doctors and pharmacists supplying her with drugs that friends observed each evening, between seven and eight o'clock, something like half a dozen motorcycles brought drugstore deliveries from miles around. Again, that's hardcore, but like ... man, that is hardcore.](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/imageset/0/9/1/867091.jpg)
She Nabbed Zorro
![She Nabbed Zorro TYRUNL THE MARI POWER OF Zorri WITH DARNEI LINDA BASIL из RATHBOI GALE EUCENE In fact, Mank, Jr. was a diversion from Tyrone Power, best known for 1940's The Mask of Zorro and being the Chris Evans of his day, while he was training with the Ma- rines. All three were technically or overtly married at the time, so it was a real mobius strip of infideli- ty.](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/imageset/0/8/9/867089.jpg)
She Got Around
![She Got Around CRACKED.COM Contrary to the innocent persona she played onscreen, Garland had friends-with-benefits relationships with her fellow teen idols from the time she was 15. Between (and sometimes during) marriages, she had affairs with some of Hollywood's most desirable men, includ- ing bandleader Artie Shaw (who went on to marry Lana Turner and Ava Gardner), actor Glenn Ford, and screenwriter Joseph Mankiewicz (yes, Mank's brother). What can we say but get it, girl?](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/imageset/0/8/8/867088.jpg)
She Was Married Five Times
![She Was Married Five Times CRACKED GOM Every rock star has a string of short-lived marriages, and Garland was no different. She'd had five hus- bands by the time of her death at 47, only one of which lasted longer than a few years (one lasted only three months), and as she got older, they stayed roughly the same age. Yes, Judy Garland was the Golden Age Matthew McConaughey.](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/imageset/0/8/7/867087.jpg)
Judy Garland
![MGM Started Her Young GRACKED.COM After signing with MGM when she was just 13, the studio put Judy on the stan- dard regimen of pills to keep us on our feet long after we were exhausted, then they'd take us to the studio hospital and knock us out with sleeping pills ... then after four hours they'd wake us up and give us the pep pills again so we could work 72 hours in a row. That would turn even most adults into Ozzy Osbourne, shuffling around in perpetual disorienta- tion and somehow with a British accent.](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/imageset/0/8/6/867086.jpg)