20 Facts About Iconic Indie Movies of the ’90s

Hey, do you know the ’90s? Cool decade, uh? Totally not weird or dumb, right? Yeah, we bet some people are interested in it. You know, through the past-distorting lens of nostalgia. Through those filters that make us remember fondly when rock was awesome, while also making us forget about the nihilistic horrors of neoliberalism. Actually, though, it’s not that we forgot about said horrors — it’s just that they gave us Fight Club and Office Space, so what were we talking about anyway? Oh yes, movies!
Hey, do you like movies? In this Pictofact, we take a look at 20 facts from the most iconic indie movies of the ’90s, simply because we just love this topic. Now, we actually discuss some of the most iconic indie movies of the ’90s, so don’t be surprised if your favorite film of the non-genre is absent from this list. It probably is. Listen, we’re never going to do facts about Blank Check or Chairman of the Board, okay? Plus, the decade has so many iconic movies that we couldn’t possibly fit them all, and we have to leave you craving for more. That way, you know. Anyway, movies!

Stalking John Malkovich

Samuel L. Jackson in 'Jungle Fever'

Halle Berry in 'Jungle Fever'

The Virgin Suicides

The Virgin Suicides

The Coppola Family


Rosario Dawson in 'Kids'

Writing 'Before Sunrise'

'Before Sunrise'

'Welcome to the Dollhouse' vs. 'The Wonder Years'

'Welcome to the Dollhouse'

Tony Scott

Mr. Blonde's Dance

Wes Craven

Reservoir Dogs

Jay and Silent Bob

'Shooting Clerks'
