20 Underappreciated Serial Killer Movies (To Remember to Lock the Door at Night)

The Silence of the Lambs, Psycho, Scream. We all know these serial killer movies. Plus, we all know their quintessential genre: the slasher. It seems we have a good grip on all there is to know about these sorts of movies, right? Hell, we could even mention some other classics and everybody will know them as well: Seven, American Psycho, Wolf Creek, or Black Christmas. But what about the somewhat forgotten movies, those serial killer flicks that flash through your mind once in a million years and that you should definitely check out.
Hey, we’re Cracked Dot Com, and we care about you. A lot. Did you lock the door today? Go lock the door. It’s a scary world out there, go lock the door, have a drink of water, and, erm, we don’t know, go watch Tenebrae? The slasher is not the only serial killer genre out there, you know. Also, here we bring you 20 underappreciated serial killer movies. Some of them are old-timey classics, others are trashy fun, and others are artsy cinematic experiments. In every case, however, they’re creepy movies about those fascinating psychos that deserve to be brought to your attention once again. You know, for you to lock the door. We’re waiting for you right here, after all.

The Pledge

The Minus Man

The Poughkeepsie Tapes

Summer of 84





Deep Red


Serial Mom

Memories of Murder

The Eyes of Laura Mars


Kiss the Girls

Eyes Without a Face


