20 Now-You-Know Facts That Supercharged Our Turbo Encabulators
It has been said that knowledge is power. This may be true. However, as we enjoy this list of interesting facts, I believe it is important for us to remember that not all knowledge is good. Knowledge can be dangerous. Knowledge is not necessarily power. In this particular list, we will find a list of things that you would not know, if you were not told. This list does not include things like gravity, the name of your favorite food, or how to use a microwave oven. The information contained in this list is not about things like “What is the speed of sound?”, “How do you spell ‘anemometer’?” or “What is the capital of Poland?”. I have written this list of interesting facts to share them with other people, but please do not take them too seriously. There is a lot of information here that is ridiculous. That is the point. If you are not entertained, then it is time to stop reading now.