20 Thrilling Facts That Really Pondered Our Orbs

A rooster laid an egg, and paid the ultimate price for it.
20 Thrilling Facts That Really Pondered Our Orbs

The world is filled with amazing things. It's a great place for an imaginative mind to enjoy this list of interesting facts, in order to entertain our brains. I know, I know. Some of the things I've included may sound stupid. I've even included some things that seem like they are made up or invented just so I can include them. However, every one of these facts is true. I've checked them out, and they're all one hundred percent real. So, if you don't want your brain to be entertained by this list of stupendous facts, then you can just go on to another website. I'd rather have my brain entertained, though. If you want to just enjoy this list of interesting facts, then just scroll down. You'll be taken to that list in no more than two seconds, at most, without having to wade through any more of this stupid  introduction you're reading right now.

A special marijuana strain was made for Medhan Markle and Prince Harry’s wedding.

Meghan Markle's nephew is a marijuana farmer in Oregon. For the royal wedding, he developed a new marijua- na variety called Markle Sparkle. The strain is good for helping alleviate insomnia, pain and anxiety, and doesn't make users feel too hungry. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW


Sony bought a harddrive with over a thousand unreleased Michael Jackson songs.

Sony bought a hard drive with over a thousand unreleased Michael Jackson songs. Sony paid $250 million for the drive, which includes unreleased material Jack- son recorded as a solo art- ist featuring established artists such as Freddie Mercury and Barry Gibb. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW

Wall Street Journal

The Sahara has the longest minefield in the world.

The longest continuous minefield in the world is in the Sahara desert. The 1677 mile long Мо- roccan Wall was created in 1987 it is still manned 24/7/365 by thousands of soldiers, supported by ra- dar and surveillance equipment. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW

Amusing Planet

A “fireproof” building was the deadliest single-building fire in U.S. history.

The Iroquois Theater in Chicago was billed as Absolutely Fireproof in advertisements when it opened. EVERY en NIGHT - son Then BLUEBEARD Room It lasted 37 days be- fore being destroyed in what is still the deadliest single-build- ing fire in U.S. history, leaving 602 dead and 250 injured. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW


We paid a tax on phone calls for the Spanish-American War until 2006.

In 1898, Congress passed a tax on long-distance calls to pay for the Spanish-American War. The war ended 4 months later, but the tax remained in place for over 100 years. On Au- gust 1, 2006, the IRS an- nounced it would no longer collect the tax. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW

Tax Foundation

A rooster laid an egg, and paid the ultimate price for it.

A rooster was sentenced to be burned at the stake in 1474. The rooster was put on tri- al in the city of Basel for the heinous and unnatural crime of laying an egg, which the townspeople were concerned was spawned by Satan and contained a cockatrice. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW


You need to see a psychologist if you fail your driving test three times in Switzerland.

If you fail your practical driving test three times in Switzerland, you have to visit a psychologist. An official psychologist in Berne will assess the rea- sons for your previous fail- ures. Once the psycholo- gist reports that you are once again ready to take the exam, you can try again. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW

Just Landed

No one used diamonds to propose before the 1930s.

The diamond engagement ring was invented by an ad campaign in the 1930s. Before that few Americans proposed with the precious stone, and the price of dia- mond was falling. Now, 3/4ths of American brides wear a diamond engage- ment ring, which costs an average of $4,000. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW

The Atlantic

If an air traffic controller didn’t get a break every 2 hours, their performance would suffer.

Air traffic controllers get a break every 2 hours. 28 When controllers re- main on position for more than 2 hours without a break, per- formance can deterio- rate rapidly, even at low traffic levels. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW

The Guardian

A laboratory worker intentionally gave himself radiation poisoning.

A radiological laboratory research worker committed suicide in 1960 by radiation poisoning. 3 The 19-year-old took a capsule containing cesi- um-137 and put it in his left pants pocket for 5 hours, then shifted it around his abdomen and back for 15 hours. Не died after 15 days. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW


Joey from “Friends” dislocated his shoulder on set.

Matt LeBlanc dislocated his shoulder filming an episode of 'Friends' to an audience of contest winners. The set was shut down meaning War- ner Brothers had to fly the Pepsi contest win- ners home and then back out for another episode. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW

Jimmy Kimmel

Cows are having their horns bred out of them.

Dairy COWS typically are born with horns and they are de-horned when young. Dairy farmers over- time use selective breeding to eliminate the recessive gene that causes horns in both male and female cattle. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW

Dairy Carrie

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