20 Adult Swim Facts That Are Keeping Us Out of the Pool

In 2001, executives at Cartoon Network finally looked around and thought, “Hey, you know what? I bet stoned college kids and anime fans would watch our channel.” And they were totally right. Young adults who would eventually become Cracked readers (and writers) flocked to their TVs on Sunday nights with pizza, beer, and other substances to enjoy offbeat comedy, reruns of Family Guy, and just plain bizarre stuff.
Now, over 20 years later, Adult Swim has become an established programming block with a full library of new and old cartoons, anime shows, and incredibly niche yet hilarious comedies fit for late night viewing. But even the most devout Adult Swim fan may not know everything about their favorite cable TV programming block. In fact, some stuff may surprise you more than you’d think.
Here are some facts about Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim and the shows that made it what it is today.
'Rick and Morty'


'Check It Out! with Dr. Steve Brule'

Tim & Eric

'Space Ghost: Coast to Coast' and 'The Eric Andre Show'

'Aqua Teen Hunger Force'

'The Venture Bros'

'Sealab 2021'


'Joe Pera Talks With You'

'Moral Orel'

The Mooninites

'Black Jesus'

'Childrens Hospital'


'Robot Chicken'

'The Boondocks'

The Eric Andre Show

Aqua Teen Hunger Force

'Space Ghost: Coast to Coast'