20 Now-You-Know Facts

I enjoy this list of interesting facts about the world because it is so often the case that facts can be boring. Like all good comedy, the truth is more surprising when it is made to appear otherwise. So enjoy this list. It has been put together to entertain you and to educate you at the same time. And in the spirit of full disclosure, I do not have any degrees in anthropology, psychology, or anything similar. But I did take a statistics class in college, and I love numbers and data and trivia and the way that they are presented. The reason for that is because numbers are interesting, and they can make boring things seem exciting. I'm sure that everyone has a different list of interesting facts. That is not the purpose of this list. This is mine. But if you think I missed an interesting fact about the world, let me know! I might add it to my list.
An explosive cartridge can get a B-52 bomber running faster.

The game “Battleship” predates WWI.


“Pretty Woman” was going to be a lot darker before Disney came in.

The Hulk

Finnish Physicians

Iceland is part of Europe and North America.

Close Encounters of the Third Kind

Anderson Cooper interviewed students in Myanmar after forging a press pass.

‘Chile’ was misspelled on their own coin.

iTunes deducted “packaging” and other fees in digital royalties.

A drunk gunman fired a hole in the Alaskan pipeline.

“Peter Pan’s” copyright never expires.

Adidas acquired their design with whiskey.

Pill bugs eat metals in the soil.

City birds “rap.”

Fireworks are illegal in Florida, but are still sold in large quantities.

Russia bombs frozen rivers to stop ice dams.

The first bank robbery almost went off without a hitch.

Butt plugs were sold to cure insanity in the late nineteenth century.